Tag Archives: Celtic

Oatcakes: A Cape Breton’s Scottish Tradition


Growing up on the east coast of Canada on a little island called Cape Breton, my knowledge of foreign foods was not always broad as others in my country but coming from such a cultually-enriched area certainly aided to my knowledge of fantastic feasts. Cape Breton is a small island of around 147,450 people but we are a mighty crew strong in Celtic, French and Mi’kmaq heritage and traditions. The following food is one that I will forever associate with my little island and my childhood.

The oatcake is known on the island and around the rest of the province as being typically “Scottish” or “Celtic”. I can remember being a young girl in the kitchen with my grandmother rolling the oats and cutting them with a glass, specifically put away for the job and nothing else. At my uncle’s restaurant, they make the cookies from the same recipe passed down from my great-grandmother but instead of cutting them out with a glass, they use the sharp edge of a tin can which seems to do the trick. Either way, they’re delicious and a part of my Scottish heritage.

There are many other dishes from my Acadian background that I could talk about but I will save those for another day, but I really felt that since I’ve written about foods from around the world, I should probably speak about something from where I call home.

I’ve included my great-grandmother’s recipe and a link to a fellow blogger’s site (Cape Breton News) for your enjoyment 🙂